Your CARW Membership includes Local & National coverage Welcome to our Greater Des Moines, Iowa neighbors to the growing family of Commercial Exchange Members! As...
Manage your company’s listings for free Admin & support personnel receive their own login to input and manage inventory for everyone in the office. Thousands...
You can now filter your search parameters by ‘Date Pending’, or you can exclude Pending properties altogether. To find this feature, log in to the...
The CARW Commercial Data Exchange is expanding its relationship with Moody’s Analytics to be able to provide you with even more data intelligence. Keep an...
Add and Personalize a Cover page in Reports Add a cover page to your reports by selecting the ‘Cover Page’ option as shown. Choose the...
Access the CARW Commercial Data Exchange on your mobile device – without having to download or maintain mobile updates. From your mobile device, simply open...
You may have noticed… We’ve optimized the ‘large number’ fields when searching or researching data. For example, the image below shows that we are filtering...
Create robust GIS maps or Property Tour maps – in only a few clicks! Presenting a visual representation of a property and its surroundings are...
Introducing Tabs We’ve added tabs to the property level details in order to keep information more compact and organized. Click through each one to see...
Add and Personalize a Cover page in Reports Add a cover page to your reports by selecting the ‘Cover Page’ option as shown. Choose the...
Feature Update! Searching for ‘space types’ vs. ‘building types’ We’ve made it even easier to find spaces for your clients – Let’s say you have...
Share a link to ALL your Listings! Add to your e-mail signature Post listings on social media Include the link to your listings on your...
Market Trends play a vital role in understanding the health and shifting of the market. The Commercial Association of REALTORS® Wisconsin (CARW) Quarterly Study and...
National Data Search Tips As a part of your CARW Commercial Data Exchange Membership, you enjoy National Search and listing exposure. Here is a tip...
Post Needs & Wants to CARW Commercial Data Exchange Coming up empty in your search for a property? Post a need or want to CARW...
Searching for certain space types: Find more spaces by using this simple trick: When performing a search for lease spaces select the “Space type” leaving...
CARW Commercial Data Exchange – the most powerful marketing reach. Make sure your listings get the attention they deserve! As a member of CARW Commercial...
Access the CARW Commercial Data Exchange on your mobile device – without having to download or maintain mobile updates. From your mobile device, simply open...
Lists help you organize, track, and group properties and listings of interest. Use Lists for managing potential availabilities and tours for Clients, or for pulling...
Start by logging in to CARW’s Wisconsin Commercial Data Exchange ( and click “Manage my Listings” on your dashboard – or, click your name in...