The resources below are designed to assist you in opening your own brokerage, navigating changes to your business, contacting DSPS, changing firms, updating your commercial exchange information, and more.
Change Your Information
If you are an existing CARW Member and would like to change your current information, download the change form. Your change request will normally be processed within 24 business hours of WRA receiving the paperwork. Please email with any questions.
Note if you are changing information or starting a new firm, you will need to contact DSPS to update your records and update your zipforms login if necessary.
Update with Catylist by contacting Jeremy at
Department of Safety and Professional Services
Formerly Department of Regulation and Licensing. DSPS is the agency that manages the REALTOR license.
Click the links below to download forms
Licensing information:
Real Estate Salesperson Licenses
Real Estate Brokers Licenses
Real Estate Appraisers Licenses
Notice of Licensee Association with Firm:
Notice of Licensee Association with Firm
Additional Instructions found here - HERE
There is a $10 fee to file this form
Starting a New Firm:
Applicaiton for Real Estate Business License
Notice of Broker Engaging in Independent Practice
Notice of Termination:
Click on the link below to download the Notice of Termination form. This form needs to be sent to the DSPS as well as CARW. You can email it to
Termination Form
There is no fee to file this form
Full list of DSPS Forms tied to Licensure and Real Estate Business HERE
Opening Your Own Brokerage
Are you contemplating opening your own brokerage? Not sure where to begin? The first step is to obtain your broker's license and then join CARW as a Designated REALTOR® (DR).
Designated REALTOR® (DR) Member:
A Designated REALTOR® must be a licensed broker or certified or licensed appraiser in Wisconsin. There needs to be one Designated REALTOR® in each office, typically the broker on record or office manager. If you are the broker for your own company, this is the correct membership for you. The Designated REALTOR® is the one that is responsible for the office getting appropriate paperwork into the board and is the person we will contact with questions, concerns, etc.
To join, you must pay an application fee and prorated dues (APPLICATION FORM IS HERE) Dues are prorated from the date that you are licensed with your company (if you are joining a company that already holds membership) or the date that you join (if you are starting your own company). The application fee is a one time fee as long as you never let your membership lapse.
Benefits of Joining the CARW:
- Use of the CARW logo and “member of…”
- Membership in the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), Wisconsin REALTORS® Association (WRA), as well as the CARW.
- Ability to include listings on Catylist at no fee.
- Discount ($60 discount) on monthly Catylist subscription.
- Ability to join Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
- Sentrilock electronic lockbox service (fee).
- Efficient, on-site resolution of professional standards and ethics complaints.
- Easy access to help with your legal questions through the Legal Hotline.
- Advocacy for positive public policy initiatives and against anti-business proposals through on-site public policy/governmental affairs.
- Up-to-date industry information via emails, social media, and in-house seminars.
- Weekly CARW Newsletter, “CARW Connector”
- Products and services to help your business run smoothly and cost effectively:
- Zip forms
- Business benefits (see below)
- Networking at CARW events, including the Brewers Outing, Golf Outing, Holiday Party, March Madness, and Happy Hours.
- A fully staffed professional office, open Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- And of course, help and information is available 24 hours/day at our website:
Click HERE for membership application.
If you have any questions, please contact: Tracy Johnson at 414-698-7474 or
Tools to assist in your start-up are contained in "Broker-in-a-Box." The “Box” is a collection of items for brokers interested in establishing an office. Items selected for the Box discuss and provide guidance on business matters such as securing loans, establishing a business entity, setting up a trust account, determining insurance needs, trademarks, plus much more!
Broker-in-a-Box includes:
- Broker Desk Reference
- Office Policy Manual
- Wisconsin Real Estate Clause Manual
- Wisconsin Real Estate Law Manual
- Real Estate Trust Accounts in Wisconsin
- Trust Account Journal and Ledger
- Sample Forms Reference Pack
- Selected Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Codes
- CD of Broker Supervision Newsletter and Legal Update issues (one year)
The Broker Desk Reference is a key component of the Box. It’s full of checklists, articles, and resources relating to various topics brokers should consider when launching a new business. Specific topics include: accounting, insurance, business entities, employment law, membership, licensing, trademarks and copyrights. Practice-related issues of dispute resolution and risk reduction are addressed as well.
You may purchase Broker in a Box online at the WRA website.
New Member Orientation
Welcome new members! By joining the Association, you have gained the right to call yourself a REALTOR® and automatically became a member of the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association (WRA) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). The term REALTOR® is only for members of the CARW, WRA and NAR and identifies you as a professional who subscribes to a strict Code of Ethics. Actively promoting and identifying yourself with the REALTOR® brand can significantly enhance your success.
The CARW's mission is to “Help REALTORS® help their clients and ensure their personal success” and we do that by providing these services
- Public Policy/Arbitration
- Ethics Enforcement
- Arbitration
- Promotions/Products and Services to help you succeed
CARW Orientation is a prerequisite to membership. The session provides you with an overview of the activities and services of the CARW, WRA and NAR in addition to the latest education in Anti-Trust, Fair Housing, and Professional Standards. This class is informative and worthwhile, and is required in order to have a membership in the CARW.