Luke Fehrenbach
Ogden & Company, Inc.
Luke has been involved in the Milwaukee Commercial Real Estate market since graduating from UW-Milwaukee in the spring of 2019. At UW-Milwaukee, Luke graduated with a degree in Finance and a certificate in Real Estate. Today, Luke works as a commercial real estate broker as well as the corporate onsite manager of The Blatz Condominiums in Downtown Milwaukee. In brokerage, Luke provides assistance to landlords during the leasing and sales process. Luke is able to use his skills and knowledge attained from managing a historic high-rise to better advise his brokerage clients on what systems are most important to help drive value from both the leasing and sales side of brokerage.
Q) What do you enjoy the most about commercial real estate?
A) The competitive yet collaborative nature of the industry. At the end of the day, we are all trying to get a deal done and industry peers are typically always willing to work together to make sure that happens.
Q) What is the best piece of advice you have received?
A) Do what you say you are going to do and do not promise something that is unachievable. People will notice that you are true to your word and business will naturally gravitate towards you.
Q) Where did you grow up?
A) Germantown WI
Q) What was cool when you were growing up but isn’t cool now?
A) The Bowl Cut
Q) If you could have lunch with anywhere in the world, who would it be?
A) Copenhagen Denmark.
Q) What do you hope to get out of your NextGen Experience?
A) A wide network of industry peers that are generally at the same point in their career as I am.