On March 11th, the CARW NextGen class welcomed a dynamic group of Commercial Real Estate Architects. Big thanks to Michael Brush (Plunkett Raysich Architects, LLP), Rich Pipek (in. studio architecture), Brian Pittman (EUA), and Glenn Roby (Kahler Slater). The panel was moderated by Kelsey Webb (EUA). They shared with the NextGen group secrets to their success and challenges they faced throughout their career. A few memorable take-aways from our NextGen Class included:
- The best and most successful projects are when the owners and the tenant reps are brought in earlier
- Talk to architects and contractors about timelines before you make commitments. Be realistic and don’t be hesitant to ask questions.
- “The best preparation gets the best results.”
- HAVE TRUST IN YOURSELF – it will help you grow in your career. By knowing yourself and having confidence in knowing what you can do is crucial to success. When an opportunity comes up, have confidence that you can do it and do it well.
- Honesty is critical to your future
- Architects are there to help. Bring them in earlier and ask them to do a space plan or ask us questions. Don’t be afraid to call and ask for insight.
- It is good to have a network of people to call and trust
- Check out the Cat Café
Each month, the NextGen group will gather to hear from a panel representing a variety of disciplines. In April, the group will be joined by Engineers.