On February 12th, our group of NextGenR’s heard from four of the top brokers in the commercial real estate industry. Alyssa Geisler moderated the panel led by: Ned Purtell, Scott Welsh, Jeff Hoffman, and Kevin Schmoldt. The panel brought years of experience, advice, and perspective on what it takes to be a success in the industry. They brought their own unique perspectives as they represent all segments of the industry (industrial, retail, office & investment).
Key takeaways include:
-You don’t have to find your niche right away but focus on the areas that interest you. Sometimes finding the right team and culture can help steer you in the right direction.
-Your mentors can help you grow and transition throughout your life. You can think of mentors in three different buckets; your family or close friends, someone in the industry, and someone that you respect in another business other than real estate.
-Don’t be afraid to lean on someone who may be viewed as a competitor. It’s a cooperative market and people are willing to help. Don’t forget that mentorship is a two-way relationship, don’t overlook your ability to give back.
-Take initiative, tell your older colleagues to “put you in the game”. Set your goals high.
-When communicating with clients, ask yourself if you are helping them make a decision or providing them with a solution. If not, you may be making their life more difficult.
-WORK HARD – 80% of people don’t work hard. Show up, return phone calls, follow-through, be inquisitive and you will already be a step ahead of the pack.
-Real estate is 3D and more complicated than ever, be an expert in your area. Drive your market, test-run your tours, walk the buildings – be PREPARED!
-Embrace diversity.
-Don’t forget to build your pipeline, but spend a little time elephant hunting too. Don’t be complacent. “Whatever I did last year, is not good enough for this year.”