I-94 East-West is a direct route to some of the state’s top attractions, including Miller Park and Summerfest.
How will this project complement recent work on the Zoo and Marquette interchanges?
East-West reconstruction is essential to the completion and success of the state’s $2.5 billion investment in the Zoo and Marquette interchange projects. Completing the corridor, which links the two interchanges together, is necessary to fully realize all the safety features, reduced congestion and operational efficiencies included in both the Marquette and Zoo interchange projects. Without the East-West corridor project, neither interchange will operate at its intended level of efficiency. That diminishes the economic benefits that could be derived from improved mobility and crash reductions (when finished, crashes in the Marquette Interchange dropped 50 percent from prior levels), improved travel times and efficiencies for all users of the regional freeway system.
“With the majority of the truck traffic in Wisconsin going through the Zoo or Marquette interchanges, increasing capacity and safety along the East-West corridor linking them is not only a regional mobility concern but also a statewide economic concern.”~ Steve Baas, Senior Vice President Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
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