Access to safe, reliable infrastructure is one of the most important factors for companies looking to locate, expand, and conduct business in a community. CARW works closely with an organization called TDA (Transportation Development Association) and CARW CEO, Tracy Johnson currently serves as volunteer president for the group. On February 28th – March 2nd, she, along with other leaders from Wisconsin working in the transportation development space, traveled to Washington DC to meet with Wisconsin legislators about federal funding for transportation infrastructure and transit. The group spent a fair amount of time with newly-elected Congressman Van Orden, from the 3rd Congressional District, as he was recently appointed to the Transportation and Infrastructure committee. The conference included education opportunities and networking. Jeff Stone with Kapur also attended the conference and led one of the congressional visits. We have so many great resources within our organization. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Association Office. If you’re interested in learning more about TDA, visit