CARW (Commercial Association of REALTORS® Wisconsin) $240.00
CARW delivers the commercial benefits of the REALTOR membership. Local dues cover the following:
• Discounts on REDI/Catylist – Wisconsin Commercial Data Exchange
• Access to Commercial Continuing Education
• Free and discounted CRE education and networking opportunities
• Local and commercial public policy advocacy
• Commercial-specific communications
• Professional standards services
• & much more!
WRA (Wisconsin REALTORS® Association) $333.00
WRA represents Statewide interests of REALTORS and works with CARW to administer and focus on commercial-specific items. State dues cover the following:
• State Legislative advocacy and Legal Action Initiatives
• Legal hotline
• Tech helpline
• Wisconsin Real Estate Magazine
NAR (National Association of REALTORS®) $185.00
NAR represents more than 1.2 million members across the country and focuses on providing the following:
• Zipforms® subscription
• Discounts on products and services
• Federal legislative advocacy and funding for State advocacy initiatives
Please note the following fees are included in the payment plan but are voluntary contributions and a member may choose to opt out.
RPAC (REALTORS® Political Action Committee) $35.00
This amount is an optional donation that will be made to RPAC, a critical business partner for REALTORS®. RPAC helps to elect the people who write the laws with which you and your business must live. All fundraising efforts and contributions to candidates are administered by the NAR Board of Directors and RPAC committee on a non-partisan basis to support commercial real estate interests important to you.
WRF (Wisconsin REALTORS® Foundation) $20.00**
This amount is an optional donation that will be made to The Wisconsin REALTORS® Foundation (WRF). This donation has great impact for REALTORS® and communities across the State. For the past 15 years, the WRF has granted over 200 scholarships, such as the GRI Scholarship and the REALTOR® Children’s Scholarship.
Commercial Engagement Contribution $30.00
Funding for expenses related to CARW member participation in community forums and programs to advocate for and promote the perspective of the commercial real estate industry and profession. Those participating in the contribution receive access to policy and community-related
programming and content.
Total REALTOR® Dues without optional contributions = $758
Total REALTOR® Dues with optional contributions = $858
**note that this is NOT the CARW Foundation. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation to the CARW Foundation, please contact Tracy Johnson at