Prospects for millions of dollars in new state and federal money for road, rail, broadband, and water infrastructure are bright. What’s it mean for Wisconsin and local governments? Join for a special virtual luncheon on ‘Assessing the State-Federal Infrastructure Push.’ The program begins with a briefing from U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, followed by a panel discussion featuring: Wisconsin DOT Secretary Craig Thompson, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Waukesha County Exec. Paul Farrow and Neenah Mayor Dean Kaufert, a former top GOP Assembly member. The event will then shift to questions from the audience. The program is scheduled to run from noon to 1 p.m. We will send you a link to access the webinar on the morning of the event. This special event is sponsored by Kapur, Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association (WTBA) and Construction Business Group (CBG). Register HERE